Sunday, May 28, 2006

My room: BEfore & AFter

Since my previous post is about my hostel, I guess the next logical step is to open my room to the world :D Before and After pics will be provided - I snapped shots of my room on the second day I arrived in Adelaide. The 'After' pics are taken the next day after the Inspection.

Very simple lah... Left side -The Befores, stuff still strewn around, messy. Right side - The Afters, need and tidy stuff, new bedsheets, comforter, pillows :D

Yep yep... can see how dreadful my room was when I first settled in :P In fact, it was pretty much like this for the next few months... Unlike I tak boleh tahan and just decided to clean everything up.

Welcome to my world >P

Just a little more time! [*] 5:03 PM Friday, May 19, 2006

TownHouse25 Inspection

We were supposed to have a House Inspection yesterday, 18th May 2006. That's why, there was a frantic rush the night before to scrub and clean every nook and cranny. My housemates, Max and Chandru and I spent the evening from 8pm to 12am doing a uber spring cleaning of our apartment. AND.... I actually had my Chemistry mid-sem exams the next day, which was yesterday. Imagine how shacked I was after the cleaning... =( Couldn't really do much cramming - had to koonz and force myself to wake up early to pia... Thank God we PASSED the silly inspection and the mid term wasn't as hard as I expected it to be hehehe >D Thank God for everything =)

Since all along, I wanted to show u guys my apartment, I thought this would be a wonderful oppportunity to snap some shots and post them... drag too long and my house will revert back to the mess that 3 guys are soooo comfortable in >P

Starting with the toilet, my housemate Chandru really worked his way in the toilet. Look how spotless the area is. 1 damn thing is he forbid us to bathe and shit in it until the inspection was over.... T_T ... But I still manage to shower b4 I koonz -must bathe b4 sleep lah... if not very uncomfortable!

Passageway. This is what U will see after coming up the steps. Leads to our rooms. Nothing much, I just vacuumed the carpet.

This area. After coming in, turn to your left is the living room. Head up the stairs, are our bedrooms. This is the porch, right? I hope I'm using the correct term. Anyway, this area is definitely the dirtiest. Whenever the front door is opened, the wind brings in the breeze... and dirt as well. And we remove our shoes here. So it's really really dirty.

Don't be deceived by the neatness of our shoes. We 3 guys usually just step out of our shoes and head into the living room or upstairs. Usually, you will see shoes lying all over with hidden dirty socks. Remember... 3 guys living under one roof >D

The living room. I was in charge of this area. Just had to vacuum the carpet and pack everything neatly. Oh, that's a new 51cm Flat Screen TV. Chandru got it specially for the 2006 WORLD CUP. And I'll be watching it all alone... cos the 2 buggers are returning to Singapore after the exams... I want to go back too... T_T

The dining area and kitchen. Special mention is the kitchen, in charge by Max. I'm speechless at the cleanliness of the place after everything. Besides defrosting the damn fridge, (2nd time liao)<Thanks dear for the advice!) Max was busy scrubbing the sink and oven/griller. Special mention is the exhaust fan:

THIS IS A TOTAL BITCH IN CLEANING. Believe me... I've tried cleaning it. It's no joke at all man. Kudos to Max for the good job :)

Forgot about the ***STAR*** I got for uber cleanliness of my room =D

Okie.. that's it for today. It's 11.30am now and I JUST realized I have a 12pm Chemistry lecture -_- tata

Just a little more time! [*] 10:49 AM Thursday, May 11, 2006

'I'm happy as long as others are happy'

'I'm happy as long as others are happy'

SOMEone said this to me. It's one of the few sentences that provoked my thinking to no end. I'm astonished, intrigued, repulsed - in short, I'm stirred by this sentence.

Now WHY would some people put others in front of them all the time? couple of reasons:
1 - They genuinely have the sincere belief to extend their helping hand to anyone in need
2 - They have some past experiences with caused them to sympathize with people in need
3 - They are trying to make amends for some mistakes done in the past

Helping people, is not wrong. In fact, it's something that we all should do. Like the elderly who needs a helping hand, or the pregnant woman who needs a seat on the MRT, or just donating some spare cash to the nearest beggar, there are many events, things happening around us that tug at our heartstrings, that prompt us to do something out of the ordinary for someone that we don't know personally. Just a simple act of kindness

ANYTHING in life, when taken to extreme, can be dangerous. Same goes for being nice. I believe that there is a limit to being nice and being available for people whenever they need you. Like the opening sentence, 'I'm happy when others are happy', such people really, really put others ahead of themselves, so much so that they forget about themselves. They FORGET that THEY, too possess a right to attain their own happiness. And I wonder, can someone put another being ahead of themselves all the time? Why don't they think for themselves first?

The other side of the coin. THERE ARE some people in this world that don't deserve help. I'm sorry to say this (goes against my Christian beliefs) but there are fuckers, bastards, scumbags that just don't deserve a helping hand. E.g. You see some beggar on the street. Feeling sorry for him, you decide to give him some money. Instead of thanking you, the beggar demands more from you and uses the money to get himself a pack of cigarettes. Now you tell me, is it worth the effort to be nice to such people? Remember this people - GOD helps those who help themselves. Repeat 3 times.

It's ok to fall in life. Nobody is infallible. That's just life. Ironically, we learn from our failures, not success. It's never a failure until you decide you can't learn anything out of it and give up. And it's ok to let others give you a helping hand to stand up, dust yourself and walk on bravely again. Tomorrow will be better.

There are some idiots in life who prefer to keep falling and whine for attention, asking bystanders to help them up. Then instead of walking on, they PURPOSELY fall down again. Such people, sad to say, has sub-consciously believed that help will come their way when they fall each time, thus seeking the emotional thrill of being attended to with tender loving care, showered with people showing concern for them, they deliberately fall every time and not learn to get up and face life. Like 'the boy who cried wolf' in the classic story, these people have wired their brain that it's better to fall and wait for people to come pick up the pieces for them. And they are actually very good in making others feel a sense of guilt and attempt to show more concern for them so that they won't throw themselves into despair. It's a vicious cycle. Ever heard of some stories where by some people enjoy falling ill so that others will take notice and shower them with care and concern. So they sort of connected being sick and getting concern together, convincing themselves that the only way people will pay attention to them is when they are sick.

FUCK these people I say. For me, I always have this intense belief in life itself - I have so many dreams and ambitions and goal to fulfill, I look at life with optimism. Probably that's why I wouldn't understand the mentality of such people. I just feel that life has so much to offer-Don't you have dreams or SOMETHING to attain? THEN why not try your best to reach for the stars instead of wallowing in despair? Is that going to make your standard of life any better?

Think about this. EVEN if you feel your parents, the beings who are the closest blood relations to you, don't give a shit about you, then God, who created you and give you Life, is it fair to Him that you waste precious time whining and making people around you worried while you secretly enjoy the process? How long on this Earth do we have anyway? 60 years? 70? What makes you think today won't be your last day on this planet? And if it is, would you want to do something productive or keep whining for attention.

Some people are just emotion parasites. Come to think about it, I deduce that such people really have very low self-esteem. I suspect they hate themselves, which in turn make them believe that nobody will like them at all, that they don't have any likable traits or some, magnetic personality or something. As a result, they try to seek attention by doing things out of the ordinary. When people give them attention because of the crazy things they do, they get an emotional high. By the way, such attention is not given freely, but coerced. And people will get tired of you playing this emotional draining game. When that time comes, you will really be left all alone, with no one to turn to cos' people just can't be bothered with you anymore. Of course, as usual there will be some kind souls out there who would allow you to tap on their kindness.... *shrugs*

Those people who always give in to such crazy people, don't think that you are not at fault at all. It's YOUR fault for being too nice all the time. Sometimes, people have to learn things the hard way - if not they will never learn their lesson. When thrown into the abyss of despair with no help from anyone, only 2 things can happen. Either you draw on your own strength to at least make an effort to survive, to improve on your lot or you just die. Help those who make the effort to help themselves first, and then wean them off your help. Some famous guy said 'Fish for them and you feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime' Do you want to fish for them or teach them how to fish? Actually, it will make the world a better place if such people die off. At least their genes don't get passed on, improving the gene pool makeup. Hehehe.. I'm just saying from a evolutionary point of view.

TO those who intend to keep whining and lead a mess-up life with no intention to do something for the better, be my guest and carry on. JUST don't drag other people down the cesspit along with you. It doesn't mean other people don't have a life to lead, like you. AND stay the fuck away from me. I only help people who are geninuely willing to put in effort to help themselves.

Just a little more time! [*] 12:28 AM

[Prodigal Son]*

Name : --Jayven--
Age : --Classified--
From : --Little Red Dot--
Job : --Mugger--

[fresh tracks]*

current update
New Beginning... Maybe???
21 Days to D-Day
Missing HOME
Supernatural TV!
In the GYM
Mid-Semester Break!!!

[past hunts]*

January 2006
February 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
June 2008
July 2008


selina =)

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