Wednesday, October 10, 2007

In the GYM

I see a lot of morons in the gym

Morons, idiots, retards, whatever u call them

They go to the gym, they totally dunno what to do, they don't have a workout plan, they bring their ego into the gym and waste time and energy

THINGS that disgust me in the gym:
1) Guys doing Bench-presses, bench-presses, and more bench-presses. My god, what's the fascination with the chest!??!?!? Another bodypart most targeted is the biceps. That's all I see morons doing. Where's the back exercises? Or the squats?

I see many retards with impressive upper body size and musculature but their legs are toothpick skinny!! This is unacceptable and downright UGLY!!! Don't they know that working out their legs give more anabolic effect overall?!??!?

2) Ego-maniacs. SOmebody please save them... For goodness sake, choose a weight that you can handle with the FULL RANGE OF MOTION. I see morons ALWAYS choosing heavy weights, esp for bench-press and bicep curls but cannot execute 1 PROPER rep!!! What the fuck is this!?!?!

I know it's difficult to leave out the lighter weights when you see idiots all around lugging the 20kg plates. I feel it too, esp for a guy who chooses the lightest weights and work from there up. But hey, using a too heavy weight risk injury, and also lead to cheating. I see morons using dumbbells that are obviously too heavy for them, and they heave and ho, they jerk and shake, and they cannot do proper reps for the entire range of motions and they drop the weights with a loud bang and stand up looking satisfied with themselves. 1 WORD. RETARD. I despise you.

3) Taking your own sweet time. I see morons doing 1 set of a bodypart, then rest for god knows how long. They walk around, see familiar faces, stop and chit-chat for what, 15 minutes!?!??! What the FUCK... IN that space of time, I finished at least 2 different exercises and is ready to leave the gym. Then they saunter back to their bench or whatever and do another set and the cycle continues... Oh my god...

1) Have a specific workout plan. Please, whatever you do, plan your workouts. Plan what do you want to exercise for that day: which bodypart, what exercises, how many reps, sets. Don't just go in there and whack everything u see

2) Learn the proper mechanics of that particular exercise. Most machines are idiot proof and they do come with Instructions but take time to check the net or bodybuilding books to learn the know-hows. This will eliminate potentially unnecessary injuries, providing better mind to muscle connection, stress the targeted muscle more intensely and grow!

3) Use weights that you can handle with proper strict form and full range of motions. Go for the lightest weights whenever starting a new exercise. Learn and master the technique and whatever related to it. Then SLOWLY move up the weights ladder to achieve the planned reps and sets for that day. REMEMBER: Proper Form

4) Work the whole blardy body! Can people stop focusing on the bench-press and bicep curls only? Gosh... Work those toothpick legs!

Final Note: My gf can workout with better form than 70% of the retards in the gym. Think about that

Just a little more time! [*] 1:23 PM

[Prodigal Son]*

Name : --Jayven--
Age : --Classified--
From : --Little Red Dot--
Job : --Mugger--

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selina =)

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