Friday, September 15, 2006

Start of mid-semester break!



Start of mid-sem break!!!

2 Weeks!!!

HEHE.. shiok!!! Time to enjoy!

And I'm coming home soon!!!


Just a little more time! [*] 12:58 PM Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Bastards & bitches"



I used to get very offended when people use the word 'bastard' on me. Cos i always felt that reflect badly on my mum.. implying that she slept around and I'm not my father's son. I still do - may the heavens help the unlucky person who mean to insult my parentage and my mum & dad

On the other hand, have you pondered why do you get angry when people scold u? It may not be as vulgar as 'you're a bastard', could be as mild as 'asshole'. Heck, even 'you bastard' can be taken as a joke, depending on who the person and the context, the tonality and other stuff.

Gotcha =D

The Great Truth is... how hurt you feel when someone scolds you or insults you depends on how much value you place on the opinion of the person, or how much standing the person has in your life

Put it in another way, it is YOU youself who determines HOW MUCH power you give to every individual in your life.

Suppose a stranger scolds you and your mother scolds you. Which will hurt more? Your mum rite? WHY? Because firstly, she has a high value in your life as your mum and secondly, you gave her the power, the control over you.

What I'm trying to say is, when someone scolds me or hurl some racist remarks or whatever shit that is offensive, I MYSELF, have the power and choice either to let the person and remark get to me personally and feel upset all over it and ponder why why why is that person so mean etc etc etc OR I could just brush off the remark and not even be bothered about it =)

Doesn't it sound amazing? :D You control everything, you have the power to decide who can hurt you and who can't? You make all the decisions. You are in control. NOBODY can hurt you unless YOU ALLOW THEM TO

This is called Empowerment girls and boys :D

Remember this profound truth and apply it in your life =)

Just a little more time! [*] 10:33 AM Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Athelete's FOOT :D

A funny conversation between my good friend and me =P I was laughing non-stop :P

Less than 100D says:

wat u doin/

Less than 100D says:

are u talking to jun?

William says:

my father nag at me

Less than 100D says:


Less than 100D says:

what happen?

Less than 100D says:

y Alfred nag at u?

William says:

nothing much dont bother sianz

Less than 100D says:


Less than 100D says:

eh u tink alfred got money to invest in stuff?

William says:

like waht

Less than 100D says:

Have u heard of Althelete's Foot?

William says:


Less than 100D says:


Less than 100D says:

spore have meh?

William says:

i dont know nut heard of it on tv

Less than 100D says:


Less than 100D says:

i tot can open from franchise

Less than 100D says:


William says:

fuck u franchise of althic foot

William says:

fir what

William says:

i dont understand

Less than 100D says:

make money lah

William says:

what is this for

William says:

Althelete's Foot? is honkong foot is it

Less than 100D says:

fuck u lah

William says:

i thoug is hongkong foot

William says:

then wt is it

Less than 100D says:

Althetic Foot is a shoe shop company

William says:

oh i though is hongkong foot haha

Less than 100D says:


Less than 100D says:

i really thought U know

William says:

franchies of hongkong foot

Less than 100D says:

damn funny

William says:

u should know my ingredient

Less than 100D says:

joker lah u

Try and get the joke, wouldn't U? see if it's funny to U =)

Just a little more time! [*] 1:03 AM

[Prodigal Son]*

Name : --Jayven--
Age : --Classified--
From : --Little Red Dot--
Job : --Mugger--

[fresh tracks]*

current update
New Beginning... Maybe???
21 Days to D-Day
Missing HOME
Supernatural TV!
In the GYM
Mid-Semester Break!!!

[past hunts]*

January 2006
February 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
June 2008
July 2008


selina =)

[Shout Box]*